Red Marijuana Beret (Item ID# 9641)
Eh man! This Red Beret enables one to stand attention whenever they're smoking WeeD!

All stats + 10. Mspeed + 10%. MaxHP and SP - 10%. Decreases damage from long range attacks by 15%.
If Red WeeD is equipped, adds 5% chance for a monster to drop Oil Paper when killed.

Impossible to refine this item.

You'll need the following:

  • 100 Oil Paper (Item ID# 7151)
  • 1 Spore Hat1 (Item ID# 5029)
  • 100 Black Cat Doll (Item ID# 7206)
  • 200 Glitter Shell (Item ID# 7009)
  • 20 Egnigem Cenia Card (Item ID# 4352)
  • 100 Million Zeny

Take this list to Bubba Marley located at mystic_shop 160 210.

1The Spore Hat is not dropped by mobs. You'll need: 300 Burnt Tree (Item ID# 7068), 850 Poison Spore (Item ID# 7033), 1 Tongue (Item ID# 1015). Take these to xmas 117 295 and feed them to the vending machine to get the hat.

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